Our policyholders have peace of mind knowing we have a conservative premium-to-surplus ratio of 4:1, and more surplus than any other Missouri mutual. We are also the only medical professional liability insurer backed by $281 million in reinsurance from COPIC Insurance Company for all claims.
A return of premium program offered by Keystone Mutual, Keystone Capital® allows the Board of Directors to set aside a certain amount for each policyholder as a percentage of their premium. So long as they remain with Keystone Mutual, they will be awarded this amount upon their retirement – sharing in the success of the Company.
We’re the only insurer that focuses on 12 lower risk medical specialties, determined through proprietary analysis. Our policyholders are part of an exclusive group insured with only other physicians like them – lower risk doctors from similar specialties with good underwriting histories. This gives you more security and rate stability.
Keystone Mutual has thoroughly researched all Missouri medical malpractice defense counsel and identified several that are the best. All policyholders are able to meet their counsel and select who they want for their representation.
Through our exclusive agency, Cogeris Insurance Group, we offer two key protections to give you more peace of mind. Comprehensive data security and privacy insurance covers you in the event of cyber threats and breaches – including extortion and multimedia liability. Medefense coverage protects you in the event of Medicare or Medicaid billing audits and investigations.
Policyholders are encouraged to contact Keystone Mutual should they have a risk management issue; this resource is available 24/7. We know this service to our policyholders is the best way to mitigate risk – addressing risks proactively before they become an issue, thereby maintaining lower premiums for our policyholders.
Keystone Mutual takes Consent to Settle® further than any other insurer. Our policyholders may seek review of our request to settle, first to the Claims Committee. If the Claims Committee disagrees, Keystone will not ask for settlement consent. If the Claims Committee does agree, our policyholder can seek a second review from the Appellate Committee. Both Committees are comprised of different members, including physicians. Only after both Committees agree that a claim should be settled will we ask the policyholder for consent to settle.
“Proper planning and preparation prevents poor performance.” -Stephen Keague Do not wait for the patient to be in the office to understand the reason for the visit. Prior to the patient appointment the chart should be updated regarding the care the patient received from another provider or hospital, and whether there has been a change […]
Many practices, medical groups, or professional associations may have liability exposure based on the conduct of another in their office or practice due to vicarious liability. This liability is based upon the legal concept of Respondeat Superior. Respondeat Superior (Latin) translates to “let the master answer,” or “let the superior respond.” The doctrine of Respondeat […]
The doctrine of informed consent is well known to healthcare practices, and most have well established policies and procedures for the physician to obtain informed consent. Informed consent is defined as: a patient’s knowing choice about treatment or a procedure, made after a physician or other healthcare provider discloses whatever information a reasonably prudent provider […]
Keystone Mutual Insurance Company is a leading provider of medical professional liability insurance to Missouri physicians. We deliver coverage you can count on, with outstanding personal service and unsurpassed benefits – not offered by any other insurer.
Keystone Mutual
13537 Barrett Parkway Drive
Suite 345
St. Louis, MO 63021
866.212.2424 phone
636.549.3733 fax
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