Keystone News
Corporate Transparency Act – It May Impact Your Healthcare Practice

In 2021, as part of the National Defense Act, Congress enacted the Corporate Transparency Act which imposes new reporting requirements for some businesses as of January 1, 2024.  The purpose of the Corporate Transparency Act was to strengthen the United State’s financial crime monitoring system, by requiring certain entities to disclose and identify information about […]

When to Review and Change Your Office’s Policies and Procedures

When setting up their practice or soon thereafter, most healthcare professionals took the time to develop employee manuals, policies and procedures, websites, and other documentation to be used in the practice.  It is important to remember that these documents and websites must grow and adapt with your medical practice and with the evolving environment in […]

Communication is Still Key, But Remember Your Audience

You have surely heard it several times: patients who believe they have a good relationship with their physician are considerably less likely to sue in the event of an adverse outcome. But a physician need not spend hours with each patient, have a stunning personality or exhibit world-class bedside manner to be held in high […]

How to Make Informed Consent Work for You

Informed consent is defined as: a patient’s knowing choice about treatment or a procedure, made after a physician or other healthcare provider discloses whatever information a reasonably prudent provider in the medical community would provide to a patient regarding the risks involved in the proposed treatment. Black’s Law Dictionary (7th edition, 1999). The doctrine of […]

Telemedicine Post Covid 19

In June of 2016, Missouri established telemedicine practice standards, including explicitly allowing for the delivery of health care services using electronic information and telecommunication technology. Those practicing telemedicine still needed to be aware of and incompliance with HIPAA requirements. Telemedicine became a critical and necessary part of practice for a number of health care providers […]

Improving your Medical Practice by learning from those in the Business of Insurance

How can Insurance help physicians improve their medical practice? Medical Malpractice Insurance is an essential component of a physician’s medical practice. It provides protection to the physician against legal liability from a claim by a patient of injury or death as a result of negligence. The State of Missouri defines Medical Malpractice insurance as follows: […]

Missouri Covid Law Update

Covid-19 has created numerous challenges to health care providers and their practices. Many practices had to change the manner in which they saw patients by limiting the number of patients on premises or seeing more patients via telemedicine. These precautions were taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19, but also out of concern for liability […]

Medical Record Retention in Missouri

What are the requirements for maintenance of medical records? How long must a physician maintain a medical record? Medical Records are an essential part of any medical practice and the delivery of medical care to patients. Medical records provide information necessary for the continuing care and treatment of patients. Accurate record keeping and maintenance can […]

St. Louis Metro Medical Society Renews Exclusive Approval of Keystone Mutual

The St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society (SLMMS) has renewed its approval of Missouri-based Keystone Mutual as the preferred provider of medical professional liability insurance for its members. “We look forward to Keystone Mutual continuing to offer its program for our members and extending our eight-year relationship with the Company,” said Dr. Jason Skyles, Immediate Past […]

How to Handle the Noncompliant Patient

The noncompliant patient, a patient who fails to follow physician instructions or to keep scheduled appointments, creates a number of problems for the practicing physician. The loss of revenue and time due to patients that miss appointments is evident. However, the noncompliance and missed appointments of patients pose legal risks for physicians as well. Medical […]