Risk Management Articles
Missouri Covid Law Update

Covid-19 has created numerous challenges to health care providers and their practices. Many practices had to change the manner in which they saw patients by limiting the number of patients on premises or seeing more patients via telemedicine. These precautions were taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19, but also out of concern for liability […]

Medical Record Retention in Missouri

What are the requirements for maintenance of medical records? How long must a physician maintain a medical record? Medical Records are an essential part of any medical practice and the delivery of medical care to patients. Medical records provide information necessary for the continuing care and treatment of patients. Accurate record keeping and maintenance can […]

How to Handle the Noncompliant Patient

The noncompliant patient, a patient who fails to follow physician instructions or to keep scheduled appointments, creates a number of problems for the practicing physician. The loss of revenue and time due to patients that miss appointments is evident. However, the noncompliance and missed appointments of patients pose legal risks for physicians as well. Medical […]

The Opioid Crisis

This is a hot topic in the news and among politicians in the state of Missouri. Many are aware of the Governor’s actions to move forward on a prescription drug monitoring program by executive order, even as the matter is debated in the House of Representatives and Senate. In March of 2018, letters were sent […]

The Health Care Provider’s Simple Guide to Responding to a Board of Healing Arts Complaint

The letter appears to be an innocuous business letter in a non-descript envelope. The text is usually passive in tone, asking you to respond to what is normally a one-page handwritten complaint by a disgruntled former patient. It would be easy to view it as a casual request to be dealt with in a casual […]